Your ticket to a better life

Powerful tools, experiences, and environments to help you find your life direction at age 20.

Trusted by 25,000+ universities worldwide

A world-class education, tailored to your needs

Take mandatory general education classes and watch professors read off lecture slides, or review course material remotely. We also offer amazing research opportunities.

An exclusive social scene for the ages

Join our inclusive and diverse community. Surround yourself with the shroud of ambitious overachievers. Find your future spouse during your first term. Participate in one or two clubs.

Extensive preparation for the workforce

Signal to employers that you are the best fit for that dream job. On top of a great alumni network, you also get to add a sweet new line to your Instagram and Linkedin bios.

What people
are saying.

UPenn Guy
Conner Hunt
Investment Banking @ JP Morgan

"Grandeur unlocked opportunities I never would've had, such as landing me a job at my dad’s bank."

Tommy Bell
General Partner @ Sequoia

"Grandeur makes it easy to learn important things, like time management or setting goals."

Bryce Harper
Psychology Graduate Student

"I know now exactly what to do with my life."

Join over 220 million
existentially confused 19 year olds.